Sunday, September 12, 2004

The Waiting Game

unfolding soul

Damn do I hate waiting. It's funny, you know, that people tell me all the time that I'm patient, but I don't feel like a patient person. If they knew half the swearing I do in my head, or the countless hours of sleep I lose when I'm anxious about something...

Right now I'm waiting 5 minutes so I can call back Pasta Plus and make a reservation for Tuesday when - after exchanging 4 of 5 Emails to wrangle a time that was agreeable to both of us - I'll finally sit down face to face and talk with Emily for more than 30 seconds, which is the average duration of every other talk we've had in the past 4 years.

Which, speaking of anxious... I'm not sure exactly what I'm hoping for out of this. I really don't know what to expect. I felt it was simply something I had to do, because it's something I've wanted to do for years and which I've been giving myself every possible excuse to avoid until now. Finally, my curiousity has gotten the better of me, and I have to know what happens next. But unlike most relationships that I go into with a certain expectation, I really don't have much expectation for this one. I suppose that's because I realize I know so very little about her, really, so it's impossible to extrapolate. I imagine sitting down over dinner will lead me to do a lot more predicting after that. Whatever comes of it, I hope it all turns out well.

Well, I think I may have killed enough time. Hopefully I can make the reservation, click Send on the Email, and then indulge myself in a new guilty pleasure on Sunday night TV. (Sadly, one far too shameful to even admit here. =p)

unfolding soul


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