Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Hello? McFly? Are you in there?

Read this.

It seems my first instinct the other morning was right. The Drama Queen must have run out of supposed-persecutors to blame for whatever current life situation she's in, so she dredged me up from the past. She just doesn't get it. She's my ex-girlfriend. We didn't talk for a few years until she messaged me the other day, on account of I didn't want to. Could be why I didn't answer her last Email a few months back. Could be for good reason. Could be I don't romanticize the relationship I felt trapped in. Could be I resent the (to this day) $15,000 worth of debt I built up supporting her for 15 months while she could barely be pressed to do a bit of housework between the sleeping in and the running up my phone bill in the wee hours after I'd gone to sleep. (Having phone sex with another guy, I suspect.) I mean hey, why wouldn't I want to re-live that?

I obviously should have clicked "block" after all, Taoism be damned. Not a mistake I'll make twice.

So Jenna, take your leppers and go, but if you must, Jenna, feel free to comment. It'll amuse me, and you know it. (For a brief time, after which you'll once again be simply forgotten. Just like before.) And you can vilify me too dear, as much as you want, because the biggest difference between us now is the obvious: your opinion of me doesn't matter to me, and your resentment is over the fact that you can't say the same.

She never understood me then, and she never will. Because I might have been the man she was looking at, but I wasn't the man she was looking for.

Which reminds me, I still haven't dropped up to visit Dad in ages. Perhaps I can get by on the weekend.

Congrats, Jenna - you won yourself 1 extra hour of my life more than you deserved (about how long it took to write this, and nothing more). And you were right that our talking could do us both good. I feel so much better after finally writing publicly just how much of a bitch I really think you are. Thanks! =D


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